Sorry I've been on this almost-two-month hiatus. I figured the least I could do is drop in and give an update to make it clear I haven't given up on this blog.
We've Really been tightening the purse strings lately, as we're getting ready to move and moving is Expensive! It also means that I'm not doing much experimenting with different projects. The thing about spending money or using raw materials already on hand on new projects when you're about to move is if your experiment is a success, while that's great, you've also just created more/different stuff you have to box up and move. And if it isn't successful, you've just spend money (either directly or through the initial cost of materials you already had around the house) that could otherwise have helped in the moving process and you don't really have much to show for it except for another notch in that ever expanding belt of experience and wisdom. And don't get me wrong; every experiment yields results (even if they aren't the ones you were expecting/hoping for) and all knowledge is valuable (if I didn't think that, I wouldn't post the projects that didn't work out as desired). But, so is a person's time, money, and box space when in the process of moving.
So, sorry it's been so quiet! Here's a teaser of what to look for after the move is over and we're settled in:
A review of our experiences holding yard sales to get rid of stuff and bring in some extra dough before the move
Making bar soap
Home made deodorant
Experiments in growing crops in containers
Canning meat
Making red wine vinegar at home (Maybe. This is a project I Really want to try, but it is time consuming and requires some investment/set-up)
Make a fluffy loaf of 100% stone ground whole grain bread (not just whole wheat flour mixed with white flour)
Home made vanilla extract
So, lots to look forward to, so please be patient!